Saturday, March 31, 2007

From Rorate Caeli

Bertone confirms motu proprio

In an interview for the cover story (pages 56-60) of Le Figaro Magazine (weekly magazine of the French national daily Le Figaro), published today (not yet available on the newspaper's website); excerpt:

Is a Decree widening the possibility of celebrating the Latin Mass according to the rite from before Vatican II (the so-called Mass of Saint Pius V) still expected?

Cardinal Bertone: The merit of the conciliar liturgical reform is intact. But both [for reasons of] not losing the great liturgical heritage left by Saint Pius V and for granting the wish of those faithful who desire to attend Masses according to this rite, within the framework of the Missal published in 1962 by Pope John XXIII, with its own calendar, there is no valid reason not to grant to every priest in the world* the right to celebrate according to this form. The authorization of the Supreme Pontiff would evidently preserve the validity of the rite of Paul VI. The publication of the motu proprio which specifies this authorisation will take place, but it will be the pope himself who will explain his motivations and the framework of his decision. The Sovereign Pontiff will personally explain his vision for the use of the ancient Missal to the Christian people, and particularly to the Bishops.

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Hosanna filio David

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Friday, March 30, 2007

Bless me Holy Father for I have sinned.

Pope Benedict XVI leaves a confessional booth during the celebration of the penance sacrament with the youth of the Rome's diocese in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican March 29, 2007.


Thursday, March 29, 2007

Today's mp3 Latin Lesson | 2.0 |

Traditional Latin Mass
Preparatory Prayers

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Latin mp3 downloads

Over the next several days I will be posting several links to mp3 downloads of various parts of the Traditional Latin Mass for those who are truly interested in learning the greatest gift the Church has given the world.

This audio recording features Father David O'Hanlon, curate at Batterstown, Co. Meath, as celebrant.

Fr O' Hanlon was born in 1969 and ordained in 1997. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree in Classics in 1990, after which he attended the Pontifical Irish College in Rome. He obtained his STB (Sacrae Theologiae Baccalaureatus) from the Pontifical Gregorian University in 1994 and his STL (Sacrae Theologiae Licentiatus) from the Pontifical Patristics Institute (the Augustinianum) in Rome in 1997.

The part of the server is recited by Kieron Wood, a layman who lives in Dublin. Kieron is the producer and director of The Most Beautiful Thing This Side Of Heaven, a video on the rubrics of the Tridentine Mass featured in my last post.

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

An Excellent Resource

The Most Beautiful Thing This Side of Heaven

Do you remember the Tridentine Mass? Or would you like to know more about this 1500-year-old liturgy? Kieron Wood's 52-minute video The Most Beautiful Thing This Side of Heaven takes you step-by-step through the history and rubrics of this venerable rite.

Filmed by a professional television crew, this unique and inspirational production has won acclaim worldwide for its clarity and precision. Many priests have used the video to teach themselves - or to re-learn - how to celebrate Mass in the old Latin rite.

For students of liturgy, it is an invaluable tool. For older people, it recalls the glories of the past, while for young Catholics, it evokes the promise of the future.

The Most Beautiful Thing This Side Of Heaven is available from Kieron Wood, 11 Grange Wood, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16, Ireland. The price of 35 euros (cheque or draft) includes a free 60-page booklet, post and packing.

(This video was originally produced as a PAL version, suitable for most European countries and their former colonies. The American NTSC version is available from Ecclesia Dei, PO Box 2071, Glenview, Illinois 60025-6071, USA, price $35 including handling and shipping.)


Monday, March 26, 2007

Hippity Hoppity

My last post put me in a politically incorrect singing mood. Join in anytime.

Here' comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin' down the bunny trail
Hippity hoppity
Happy Easter Day

Look at him hop and listen to him say,
"Try to do the things you should"
Maybe if you're extra good
He'll roll lots of Easter eggs your way

You'll wake up on Easter morning
And you'll know that he was there
When you find those choc'late bunnies
That he's hiding ev’rywhere, Oh!

Here' comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin' down the bunny trail
Hippity hoppity
Happy Easter Day.


Something frivolous

Easter Bunny banned by US school district

Public schools in Tiverton in the US state of Rhode Island have banned the word "Easter" at all school events and children will now have their photos taken with Peter Rabbit instead of the Easter Bunny.

The US Catholic League reports that William Rearick, Schools Superintendent of the Tiverton Public Schools in Rhode Island, has banned the Easter Bunny from appearing at a fundraising event tomorrow at the Tiverton Middle School.

He has also banned the word "Easter" from all school events. He told the Providence Journal that during the last year and a half, he has become "more aware of folks who don't have a Christian background."

Taking the place of the Easter Bunny will be Peter Rabbit, the Catholic League says, and children will be able to get their picture taken with him.

But League president Bill Donohue described it as "unconscionable that in this day and age Superintendent Rearick would choose to honour a thief".

"As every schoolchild knows, Peter Rabbit stole from Mr McGregor's garden," Donohue said.

"To now hold him up as a role model to impressionable youngsters sends the wrong signal. At the very least, grief counsellors should be dispatched to tomorrow's event."

"There is also a more serious matter going on. The event smacks of sexism: Peter Rabbit had three sisters - Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail - and there is no historical record of them ever having committed a crime. So why were they passed over? Looks like the glass ceiling is still in place."

Commenting on School Superintendent Rearick's concern not to offend other religions, Donhue said he was "astonished" that Rearick "only recently discovered Jews and Muslims".

"But better late than never. However, it was not a Jew or a Muslim who complained about the Easter Bunny - it was an ex-Catholic, Michael Burk; he is vice chairman of the school committee. No matter, I have news for Superintendent Rearick: he has not resolved the problem.


O Santissima

The Mass of the Solemnity of the Annunciation televised on EWTN this morning from the Cathedral of Saints Simon and Jude, Diocese of Phoenix was a fine example of what the reverently-celebrated Novus Ordo Liturgy can be.

The Introit was sung by a Schola Cantorum in Latin. The Kyrie was intoned in Greek in responsorial fashion between the schola, choir, and assembly. The readings were offered by two children from the cathedral parish school. The psalm was led in Spanish by two cantors, a man and woman. The Holy Gospel was proclaimed by one of the deacons. The Bishop’s well-crafted homily spoke of Mary’s humble response to the angel Gabriel’s message. A girl from the parish school led the Prayers of the Faithful.

Two deacons in dalmatics, and concelebrants in beautiful chasubles, assisted at the altar which was appointed with six candles and a crucifix. The paten and chalice were veiled. The hosts and wine were presented by school children. A pall covered the principal chalice as well as the assembly chalices. The altar was incensed at the preparation of the gifts. A deacon incensed the people. Heads bowed each time the Holy Name of Jesus was mentioned throughout the Mass.

The Sanctus was sung in Latin accompanied by the organ. Strings added depth to the Great Amen. The Lord’s Prayer was chanted in traditional form in English. The Agnus Dei was chanted in Latin. The six-man schola intoned a Marian Latin piece during Holy Communion. The children bowed their heads before receiving Communion, and knelt (as did the entire assembly) upon returning to their pews. O Santissima, accompanied by strings, was heavenly!

Parishes of the Diocese of Phoenix – take note!


Et Verbum caro factum est

V. Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae,
R. Et concepit de Spiritu Sancto.

Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum; benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.

V. Ecce ancilla Domini,
R. Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum.

Ave Maria...

V. Et Verbum caro factum est.
R. Et habitavit in nobis.

Ave Maria...

V. Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei Genitrix.
R. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.


Gratiam tuam, quaesumus, Domine, mentibus nostris infunde; ut, qui, angelo nuntiante, Christi Filii tui incarnationem cognovimus, per passionem ejus et crucem, ad resurrectionis gloriam perducamur. Per eundem Christum Dominum nostrum.

R. Amen.

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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Heresy of Universal Salvation Revealed

His Holiness Benedict XVI celebrates Mass
during his visit to the church of
Santa Felicita e Figli Martiri on the outskirts of Rome.

Visita pastoral alla Parrocchia Romana di Santa Felicita e Figli Martiri

"Cari fratelli e sorelle della Parrocchia di santa Felicita e figli martiri!

“…E’ venuto Gesù per dirci che ci vuole tutti in Paradiso e che l’inferno, del quale poco si parla in questo nostro tempo, esiste ed è eterno per quanti chiudono il cuore al suo amore…” -- Omelia del Santo Padre

Pastoral visit to the Roman Parish of Saint Felicity and Martyr Sons

"Dear brothers and sisters of the Parish of Saint Felicity and Martyr Sons!

“…Jesus came to say that he wishes all [to be] in Heaven and that hell, which is barely spoken of in our age, exists and is eternal for all those who close their hearts to His love…” -- The Holy Father’s Homily


Thanks to New Catholic at Rorate Caeli for the English translation.

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Happy Birthday Mom!

Las Mañanitas

Estas son las mañanitas, que cantaba el Rey David.
Hoy por ser día de tu santo, te las cantamos a ti.
Despierta mi bien despiertam mira que ya amaneció.
Ya los pajaritos cantan. La luna ya se metió.

Que linda está la mañana en que vengo a saludarte.
Venimos todos con gusto y placer a felicitarte.
Ya viene amaneciendo. Ya la luz
del día nos dio.
Levántate de mañana. Mira que ya amaneció.

El día en que tu naciste, nacieron todas las flores
y en la pila del bautismo cantaron los ruiseñores.
Quisiera ser un San Juan, quisiera ser un San Pedro,
para venirte a cantar con la música del cielo.


Saturday, March 24, 2007

Actus Contritionis

Deus meus,
ex toto corde poenitet me omnium meorum peccatorum,
eaque detestor, quia peccando,
non solum poenas a Te iuste statutas promeritus sum,
sed praesertim quia offendi Te,
summum bonum, ac dignum qui super omnia diligaris.
Ideo firmiter propono, adiuvante gratia Tua,
de cetero me non peccaturum peccandique
occasiones proximas fugiturum.

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Act of Contrition

O my God,
I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee,
and I detest all my sins
because of Thy just punishments;
but most of all because they offend Thee, my God,
Who art all-good and deserving of all my love.
I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace,
to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life.


Today's Latin Lesson |1.7 |

Agnus Dei / The Lamb of God

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, misere nobis.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, misere nobis.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.

(See Lesson 1.0 for pronunciation guide)


Friday, March 23, 2007

Today's reading

The wicked said among themselves,
thinking not aright:

“Let us beset the just one, because he is obnoxious to us;
he sets himself against our doings,
Reproaches us for transgressions of the law
and charges us with violations of our training.
He professes to have knowledge of God
and styles himself a child of the LORD.
To us he is the censure of our thoughts;
merely to see him is a hardship for us,
Because his life is not like that of others,
and different are his ways.
He judges us debased;
he holds aloof from our paths as from things impure.
He calls blest the destiny of the just
and boasts that God is his Father.
Let us see whether his words be true;
let us find out what will happen to him.
For if the just one be the son of God, he will defend him
and deliver him from the hand of his foes.
With revilement and torture let us put him to the test
that we may have proof of his gentleness
and try his patience.
Let us condemn him to a shameful death;
for according to his own words, God will take care of him.”

These were their thoughts, but they erred;
for their wickedness blinded them,
and they knew not the hidden counsels of God;
neither did they count on a recompense of holiness
nor discern the innocent souls’ reward.
-- Wisdom 2:1a, 12-22


Banned in Beijing

Several weeks ago I noticed a spike in my Site Meter statistics. I had a huge amount of hits from Beijing and other Chinese locations. Today I went to a special website to check if I was still being visited from within the Wall. Guess what! I’ve been banned by the Chairman’s cohort. It seems that the Patriotic Catholic Church of China, like some of my enemies, has no need of me. Of course, that is fine, for I am in excellent company with good, orthodox, faithful Catholics.


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Today's Latin Lesson |1.6 |

Sanctus / Holy, Holy, Holy

Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus,
Dominus Deus Sabaoth.
Pleni sunt coeli et terra gloria tua.
Hosanna in excelsis.
Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini.
Hosanna in excelsis.


Solemnity of the Annunciation

Phoenix Mass to be Broadcast World Wide on EWTN

Diocese of Phoenix Press Release

The Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) will broadcast the Solemn Mass of the Annunciation live from Saints Simon and Jude Cathedral on Monday, March 26 at 8:30 a.m. (Encore presentation at 3:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Savings Time)

Come help us fill the pews for this weekday Mass. EWTN has asked the Diocese of Phoenix to produce a weekday Mass for them to broadcast live on their cable and satellite TV station. The station is broadcast through out the world and on the internet. We would like to show the world a cathedral that is filled with the wonderful people of our diocese. Please mark your calendar and come join the Bishop as he celebrates the Solemn Mass of the Annunciation.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Chant Only in Lent?

Jeffrey Tucker | The New Liturgical Movement | 3/21/07

Every movement must go through stages, and the chant restoration movement in our time seems to have started with Lent. That's been our general impression in talking to people around the country, and giving workshops and the like, and this is certainly reinforced here, in Fr. Fox's comment section of his now-famous post.

There might be a very practical reason for this. The pastor may feel like he has a better chance with success in Lent, when people come to expect different things that feel really Catholic, like Latin and all that. Avoiding parish political problems is a good enough reason (many Pastors live in fear of the music question).

But there is one very bad reason: the impression that chant is penitential and nothing else. Not so!

I'm still stinging from a comment a parishioner made to me about 4 years ago (musicians are so absurdly thin skinned!): "I find chant so depressing; we should instead be joyful in Jesus."

My mouth fell open and I didn't have a good response -- one of those moments you sort of go over and over in your mind for years. In any case, what can I say except that this is not true? Look at Christus Vincit, Te Deum, or just the entrance hymn for Palm Sunday Hosanna filio David (which echoes the entrance on Christmas morning). Or the communio from last week, Oportete: here is the song of a father whose son has come home from long absence. He is dancing!

These all express emotions that are richer and more complex and more challenging than just joy. They reveal elation, celebration, praise, triumph. In any case, they are far from "depressing" unless anything short of bubble-gum pop strikes one as depressing.

Back to my point: it would be tragic if the chant movement became stuck in Lent and never moved forward to Easter and Pentecost and beyond, indeed, to the whole Church year. In fact, apart from the political reason, I can see no particular reason why Lent should be chosen more than any other season, though of course Lenten chants are amazing. But so are thousands more from every other season.

So let's please do all we can to move to stage two, beyond Lent. Chant isn't just for penance. It is the song of every liturgical emotion and, indeed, the paradigm song to express everything of true importance.


Nuntii Latini Italici

And now for the news ... in Latin

John Hooper | Wednesday March 21, 2007 | The Guardian |

It is, famously, a dead language. But it seems that Latin is on the brink of an unlikely comeback. The conservative Pope Benedict XVI is poised to authorise wider use of the Latin mass. And, perhaps to ingratiate themselves with the boss, the managers of the Vatican bank have quietly put instructions in Latin on the cash dispenser at the back of St Peter's. Customers are told to put in their cards with the words: "Inserito scidulam quaeso ut faciundam cognoscas rationem."

On Sicily, meanwhile, Latin is being heard in homes in the city of Catania for the first time since the Arab conquest of the ninth century. Students at the university there have launched a news bulletin on their campus radio entirely in the language of Virgil.

The programme, Nuntii Latini Italici, "semel in hebdomane eduntur die Veneris hora septima post meridiem", which you will all know translates as "broadcasts weekly on Fridays at 7pm".

One of the newsreaders is Alessandra Jacono, unsurprisingly perhaps a student of classics. "We broadcast four or five stories on national and international issues," she says. "But the point is not so much to offer the news as to give people a chance to hear a beautiful language."The bulletin sprang from a group of enthusiasts who debate in Latin. Jacono said they had little difficulty in coming up with neologisms to deal with the modern world. A computer is a "computadorium", for example.

"Our idea is to make people familiar with hearing Latin. Instead of taking hours to translate 20 lines or so, you should then be able to pick up a book in Latin and read it naturally," says Jacono.

Nuntii Latini Italici is also available on the university radio's web site, "It sometimes goes up late," says Jacono. "Last Friday's edition still isn't there yet." But then, what is a day or two after more than 1,000 years?


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Today's Latin Lesson |1.5 |

Oratio Dominica / The Lord's Prayer

Pater noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum.
Adveniat regnum tuum.
Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra.
Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie,
et dimitte nobis debita nostra
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.
Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo.


Monday, March 19, 2007

Latin In Typical Parish Liturgy

Shawn Tribe at The New Liturgical Movement has a keen insight in his post, Latin In Typical Parish Liturgy.


Ite Ad Joseph

To you, O blessed Joseph,
do we come in our tribulation,
and having implored the help of your most holy spouse,
we confidently invoke your patronage also.

Through that charity which bound you to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God and through the paternal love with which you embraced the Child Jesus,
we humbly beg you graciously to regard the inheritance which Jesus Christ has purchased by his Blood,
and with your power and strength to aid us in our necessities.

O most watchful Guardian of the Holy Family, defend the chosen children of Jesus Christ;
O most loving father,
ward off from us every contagion of error and corrupting influence;
O our most mighty protector,
be propitious to us and from heaven assist us in our struggle with the power of darkness;
and, as once you rescued the Child Jesus from deadly peril, so now protect God's Holy Church from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity;
shield, too, each one of us by your constant protection,
so that, supported by your example and your aid, we may be able to live piously, to die holily, and to obtain eternal happiness in heaven. Amen.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Today's Latin Lesson |1.4 |

Credo / The Creed

Credo in unum Deum, Patrem omnipotentem,
factorem coeli et terrae, visibilium omnium et invisibilium.
Et in unum Dominum Jesum Christum,
Filium Dei unigenitum. Et ex Patre natum ante omnia
saecula. Deum de Deo, lumen de lumine,
Deum verum de Deo vero. Genitum, non factum,
consubstantialem Patri: per quem omnia facta sunt.
Qui propter nos homines, et propter nostram salutem
descendit de coelis.


Crucifixus etiam pro nobis; sub Pontio Pilato passus,
et sepultus est. Et resurrexit tertia die, secundum
Scripturas. Et ascendit in coelum: sedet ad desteram
Patris. Et iterum venturus est com gloria judicare vivos
et mortuos: cujus regni non erit finis.
Et in Spiritum Sanctum, Dominum et vivificantem:
qui ex Patre Filioque procedit. Qui cum Patre, et Filio
simul adoratur et conglorificatur: qui locutus est per
Prophetas. Et unam, sanctam, catholicam et apostolicam
Ecclesiam. Confiteor unum baptisma in remissionem
peccatorum. Et exspecto resurrectionem mortuorum.
Et vitam
ventura saeculi. Amen.


What the Latin says is what counts

Fr. Zuhlsdorf's blog, What Does the Prayer Really Say, has been encountering some server difficulties, so I reprint this excellent post for you to read and enjoy his insight and wisdom.

Exhortation: knowing and using Latin | Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

The Holy Father’s Post Synodal Exhortation has a great deal of food for thought when read through the correct lens, a lens polished and cleaned with obedient openness. But we must be obediently open to text as it is and not as it is not. This means we must make sure that the translation adheres to the official Latin. Even though the document was not composed in Latin, Latin remains the official text.

The other day I pointed out what I consider to be a serious translation flaw in SacCar par. 62, concerning the Latin language itself and its use in liturgical celebrations. Through a subtle word choice, the English underplayed the importance of Latin. This begs the question if that was merely a mistake or was it purposeful. If there were only one such mistake in the English, it would be easier to say, "Well… they just got it wrong." If there were found more than one examples of downplaying the important of Latin through a subtle word choice, we might have a stronger suspicion that all was not as it should be.

Let’s return to SacCar par. 62. In the paragraph the Pope states in strong terms that he wants seminarians and future priests to both understand Latin texts and know how to use them in the liturgy. He wants them to know and to be able to use Gregorian chant.

The Pope would be asking for this if he didn’t want Mass said and sung in Latin. What’s the point of learning it otherwise?

Then the Pope moves to the other obvious point: lay people need to know Latin and Gregorian chant. They don’t need to know it like the priests do, but if there are going to be Masses in Latin, they need to be able to follow and speak or sing when it pertains to them to do so. The Council said that pastors of souls have the obligation to teach laypeople to speak and sing in both Latin and their mother tongue all those parts of Mass that pertain to them. So, this section of SacCar says nothing new in that regard. However, this was restated by the Synod and then picked up by the Pope who made the Synod’s proposition his own.

Let’s turn to this paragraph:

Lingua Latina - 62. ..... In universum petimus ut futuri sacerdotes, inde a Seminarii tempore, ad Sanctam Missam Latine intellegendam et celebrandam nec non ad Latinos textus usurpandos et cantum Gregorianum adhibendum instituantur; neque neglegatur copia ipsis fidelibus facienda ut notiores in lingua Latina preces ac pariter quarundam liturgiae partium in cantu Gregoriano cantus cognoscant.

The verb peto can be simply “to beg, beseech, ask, request, desire, entreat” but it is the Vicar of Christ who is writing and he is laying out his vision and will. Thus, peto, to my mind, needs a stronger expression, such as “to demand, seek, require”. There is a phrase copia facere which has the impact of “to do one’s best” or “to do all in one’s power”. Copia refers to one’s resources or power but in a sense of abundance. So, we can say “make use of every possible means”. The verb cognosco is “to become thoroughly acquainted with (by the senses or mentally), to learn by inquiring, to examine, investigate, perceive, see, understand, learn”. There is a sense of exertion in cognosco.

Here is a side by side comparison of the English translation of the end of par. 62 with my own somewhat stricter rendering. I will underscore what I think are discrepencies between the Latin and the English.


62. … Speaking more generally, I ask that future priests, from their time in the seminary, receive the preparation needed to understand and to celebrate Mass in Latin, and also to use Latin texts and execute Gregorian chant; nor should we forget that the faithful can be taught to recite the more common prayers in Latin, and also to sing parts of the liturgy to Gregorian chant.


62. … In general, We require that future priests, from the time of Seminary onward, be trained to understand and celebrate Holy Mass in Latin as well as to employ Latin texts and use Gregorian chant; nor should great effort be neglected in regard to the faithful themselves, so that they learn thoroughly the commonly known prayers in the Latin language and in an equal degree that they should learn the Gregorian chant of those parts of the liturgy which are sung.

First, in documents like this, when the Pope invites, even using polite turns of phrase, he is not just inviting, he is commanding... nicely, of course, but commanding nonetheless. Pope’s don’t say "pretty please with sugar on top".

Second, the Latin clearly implies that the formation of priests in Latin and chant for liturgy be ongoing formation. This is "continuing education". The English does not exclude the ongoing aspect, but neither does it make it clear that that is what the Latin says. The key is inde, "from that time onward". Training is not to end with the end of seminary. The Pope says that future priests are to be trained from seminary onward, not that future seminarians be trained from seminary onwards (to the end of seminary). This implies that there ought to be workshops for priests to help them learn how to say Mass in Latin. In will add this: In my opinion, as long as we are at it, we can include how to say the "Tridentine" Mass. As a matter of fact, that would be good for understanding how to celebrate the Novus Ordo.

Third, the laity can and must learn well the Latin of the liturgy that pertains to them. There is no way this can happen unless they have the opportunity, and often. The official English version says the laity "can be taught", and that it so. But the Latin says that great effort must be used to teach them thoroughly, not just to teach them. To learn something thoroughly, we need repetition: repetita iuvant! ... repetitio est mater discendi! Moreover, the Latin says people must learn chant in "an equal degree" (pariter). That degree is inherent in the very cognosco which already carries the meaning of exertion.

This reminds me of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, which says that seminarians are to be very well trained in Latin. The verb used is calleo, which means "to know by experience or practice". This is where we get the English word "callus" and "callous". You get a callus on your hand from repetitive action. But the Latin has the adverb bene with that calleo. This intensifies the concept of repetition and thoroughness. To know to do something in the sense of calleo already means to know it well and to be expert. Add a bene and you get "very well trained".

It seems to me that the official English translation has downplayed the impact of the Latin. Rather, the Latin text has emphasized what the vernacular has not. Even if we consider that the Latin text was not the original text of composition, the Latin is the official text.

Eventually the Latin, not the vernacular, will be polished and promulgated in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis. What the Latin says is what counts.



Pope Benedict XVI celebrates Mass
at the juvenile facility of Casal Del Marmo,
on the outskirts of Rome, Sunday, March 18, 2007.


Saturday, March 17, 2007

Today's Latin Lesson |1.3 |

Confiteor / I Confess

Confiteor Deo omnipotenti,
beatae Mariae semper Virgini,
beato Michaeli Archangelo, beato Joanni Baptistae,
sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo, omnibus Sanctis,
et vobis fratres, quia peccavi nimis cogitatione verbo,
et opere: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.
Ideo precor beatam Mariam semper Virginem,
beatum Michaelem Archangelum,
beatum Joannem Baptistam,
sanctos Apostolos Petrum et Paulum,
omnes Sanctos, et vos fratres,
orare pro me ad Dominum Deum nostrum.

(See pronunciation guide Lesson 1.0)


Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh!

St. Patrick's Day Party, 1922.
Oregon State College Library employees
dress up for a celebration of St. Patrick's Day.

Saint Patrick's Day Blessings On You!
(Ban-ick-tee na fay-lah pwad-rig or-iv)

Friday, March 16, 2007

Anyone notice a trend?

The newly-installed retablo at the
Mission Basilica of San Juan Capistrano, CA.


Living Lent: The Fourth Sunday - Cardinal Rigali

Notice the newly-installed centralized gold tabernacle, candlesticks and marble reredos in the background of the Philadelphia cathedral.

Today's Latin Lesson |1.2 |

Doxologia Minor / Glory Be

Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto.
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum.

(See Lesson 1.0 for pronunciation guide.)


Thursday, March 15, 2007

More Commentary on Sacramentum Caritatis

Mixed reaction to Benedict's exhortation

Strictures in Pope Benedict's back to basics apostolic exhortation would only be observed when the bishop visits, a Melbourne priest has said while others have welcomed Benedict's criticisms of "trashy" modern liturgical music.

Melbourne archdiocese chaplain for the traditional Latin liturgy, Fr Glen Tattersall, told the Age that the Pope was concerned not to let the Mass imitate forms from secular culture. Instead, he wanted the liturgy to be closer to the Latin liturgy.

"Benedict has very strong ideas about music. He thinks most modern so-called liturgical music is pretty trashy," Fr Tattersall said.

But a Melbourne priest described by the Age as "liberal" said the strictures would be observed "only when the bishop comes to our church".

Hobart Archbishop Adrian Doyle, who attended the 2005 bishops' synod on which the exhortation is based, highlighted Pope Benedict's warning that society risks being enslaved to work and his defence of Sunday as a day of rest.

The day of rest was a concept that belonged to many faiths - for Jews it was Saturday, for Muslims Friday, Archbishop Doyle said.

"The church preserved the day of rest when it was seriously in jeopardy because of people's powerlessness. We have lost that concept, and a great treasure in doing so," he said.

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Today's Latin Lesson | 1.1 |

Signum Crucis / Sign of the Cross

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.

(See Lesson 1.0 for pronunciation guide.)


More Commentary on Sacramentum Caritatis

Papam Benedictum XVI, the "Latin lover"

Thursday 15 March 2007 11:45 |

Pope Benedict XVI may have raised a few eyebrows with his red Prada shoes and Father Christmas-like "camauro" hat, but he's no revolutionary on Church matters.

No one was surprised then when the German-born pontiff issued strict rules on how to celebrate Mass and reaffirmed the importance of the celibacy rule for priests.

However, there was one minor aspect of this week's apostolic exhortation, Sacramentum Caritatis (Sacrament of Charity), that will likely make waves: His decision to encourage the use of Latin in Church.

"I ask that future priests, from their time in the seminary, receive the preparation needed to understand and to celebrate Mass in Latin, and also to use Latin texts and execute Gregorian chant," the pope wrote in his message to clergymen and ordinary Catholics.

The traditional Tridentine Mass in Latin was replaced with updated liturgies in local languages by the Second Vatican Council of 1965. That decision contributed to a schism within the Church led by Marcel Lefebvre, an ultra-conservative French archbishop who was later excommunicated by the late Pope John Paul II.

Since then, congregations wishing to celebrate Mass in Latin are forced to seek permission from Rome or from their local bishops.

In his apostolic exhortation, published on Tuesday, Benedict made it clear that he was endorsing a proposal made by a 2005 Synod of Bishops and that it was in line with directives issued by the Second Vatican Council.

He also noted that he was thinking primarily of international gatherings, where the language of Cicero would be used as a sort of lingua franca (universal language) and help "express more clearly the unity and universality of the Church".

"The papal document is a step towards more dignity during the divine service and Latin can play a role in this," a Vatican Radio journalist, who asked not to be named, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa.

"I really see the pope's words as a guideline only, not as a directive," he added.

More than a few Catholics and churchgoers, especially in southern Europe, admit that the old rite in good old Latin had been so "much more solemn, much more exalted. "

After all, they argue, "Hic est enim calix sanguinis mei" sounds so much nicer than "This is the chalice of my blood" while "pater noster, qui es in caelis" has a much better ring to it than "our father, who art in heaven. "

According to a recent report in the Sunday Times, Benedict, who is fluent in Latin and openly criticised the decision to drop Latin when he was still a cardinal, plans to bring back the old Tridentine Mass despite opposition from some senior cardinals.

Vatican sources quoted by the British paper said the pope was considering publication of a papal "motu proprio" (of his own initiative) on the matter. This would do away with the need for approval from Church bodies.

Meanwhile, the Vatican's "Latin lovers" have hailed Tuesday's document, which experts see as a first step towards a possible "counterrevolution. "

A return to Latin would please traditionalists, such as adherents to the Lefebvre movement, as well as Latin experts inside the Vatican, who have been bemoaning the decline of the classical language for years.

"Who can still speak Latin nowadays?" complained Father Reginald Foster, an American priest known as the "Pope's Latinist," in an interview published a few years ago.

"The priests don't know it any more, and not even the bishops do - it's terrible. Some can't even read the inscriptions on gravestones. It's a scandal," he said.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Today's Latin Lesson | 1.0 |

Ecclesiastical Latin Pronunciation Guide

A as in father
E (when closed in by a consonant) as in met
E (at the end of a syllable) as in they
I as in machine
O as in note
OO as in boot
Y is the same as i

consonants before ae-e-oe-i-y:

C = ch as in chain
CC = tch as in catchy
SC = sh as in sheep
G - soft as in gentle
consonants in other cases:

C = k as in cot
CC = kk as in accord
SC = sk as in tabasco
G - hard as in go


Latin Mass Appeal

March 15, 2007 12:00am | Herald-Sun |

POPE Benedict, who last week told the world he does not care much for Bob Dylan, said yesterday that he would like Gregorian chant to make a comeback.

The 79-year-old Pope said the Catholic faithful should learn more of the chanting traditionally sung in Latin by choirs of monks since the Middle Ages.

"The better-known prayers of the church's tradition should be recited in Latin and, if possible, selections of Gregorian chant should be sung," he said.

He lamented that Latin, the church's official language, was disappearing and said he wanted priests to study Latin.

"Nor should we forget that the faithful can be taught to recite the more common prayers in Latin, and also to sing parts of the liturgy in Gregorian chant," he said.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Sacramentum Caritatis

Some of the Holy Father’s words from the Exhortation with my emphasis:

35. This relationship between creed and worship is evidenced in a particular way by the rich theological and liturgical category of beauty. Like the rest of Christian Revelation, the liturgy is inherently linked to beauty: it is veritatis splendor. The liturgy is a radiant expression of the paschal mystery, in which Christ draws us to himself and calls us to communion…

38. In the course of the Synod, there was frequent insistence on the need to avoid any antithesis between the ars celebrandi, the art of proper celebration, and the full, active and fruitful participation of all the faithful. The primary way to foster the participation of the People of God in the sacred rite is the proper celebration of the rite itself. The ars celebrandi is the best way to ensure their actuosa participatio. The ars celebrandi is the fruit of faithful adherence to the liturgical norms in all their richness; indeed, for two thousand years this way of celebrating has sustained the faith life of all believers, called to take part in the celebration as the People of God, a royal priesthood, a holy nation.

40. Emphasizing the importance of the ars celebrandi also leads to an appreciation of the value of the liturgical norms. (121) The ars celebrandi should foster a sense of the sacred and the use of outward signs which help to cultivate this sense, such as, for example, the harmony of the rite, the liturgical vestments, the furnishings and the sacred space. The eucharistic celebration is enhanced when priests and liturgical leaders are committed to making known the current liturgical texts and norms, making available the great riches found in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal and the Order of Readings for Mass.

42. In the ars celebrandi, liturgical song has a pre-eminent place. Saint Augustine rightly says in a famous sermon that "the new man sings a new song. Singing is an expression of joy and, if we consider the matter, an expression of love". The People of God assembled for the liturgy sings the praises of God. In the course of her two-thousand-year history, the Church has created, and still creates, music and songs which represent a rich patrimony of faith and love. This heritage must not be lost. Certainly as far as the liturgy is concerned, we cannot say that one song is as good as another. Generic improvisation or the introduction of musical genres which fail to respect the meaning of the liturgy should be avoided. As an element of the liturgy, song should be well integrated into the overall celebration. Consequently everything – texts, music, execution – ought to correspond to the meaning of the mystery being celebrated, the structure of the rite and the liturgical seasons. Finally, while respecting various styles and different and highly praiseworthy traditions, I desire, in accordance with the request advanced by the Synod Fathers, that Gregorian chant be suitably esteemed and employed as the chant proper to the Roman liturgy.

53. The beauty and the harmony of the liturgy find eloquent expression in the order by which everyone is called to participate actively. This entails an acknowledgment of the distinct hierarchical roles involved in the celebration. It is helpful to recall that active participation is not per se equivalent to the exercise of a specific ministry. The active participation of the laity does not benefit from the confusion arising from an inability to distinguish, within the Church's communion, the different functions proper to each one. There is a particular need for clarity with regard to the specific functions of the priest. He alone, and no other, as the tradition of the Church attests, presides over the entire eucharistic celebration, from the initial greeting to the final blessing. In virtue of his reception of Holy Orders, he represents Jesus Christ, the head of the Church, and, in a specific way, also the Church herself. Every celebration of the Eucharist, in fact, is led by the Bishop, "either in person or through priests who are his helpers."

62. the better-known prayers of the Church's tradition should be recited in Latin and, if possible, selections of Gregorian chant should be sung. Speaking more generally, I ask that future priests, from their time in the seminary, receive the preparation needed to understand and to celebrate Mass in Latin, and also to use Latin texts and execute Gregorian chant; nor should we forget that the faithful can be taught to recite the more common prayers in Latin, and also to sing parts of the liturgy to Gregorian chant.

80. The eucharistic form of the Christian life is seen in a very special way in the priesthood. Priestly spirituality is intrinsically eucharistic. The seeds of this spirituality are already found in the words spoken by the Bishop during the ordination liturgy: "Receive the oblation of the holy people to be offered to God. Understand what you do, imitate what you celebrate, and conform your life to the mystery of the Lord's Cross." In order to give an ever greater eucharistic form to his existence, the priest, beginning with his years in the seminary, should make his spiritual life his highest priority. He is called to seek God tirelessly, while remaining attuned to the concerns of his brothers and sisters. An intense spiritual life will enable him to enter more deeply into communion with the Lord and to let himself be possessed by God's love, bearing witness to that love at all times, even the darkest and most difficult. To this end I join the Synod Fathers in recommending "the daily celebration of Mass, even when the faithful are not present." This recommendation is consistent with the objectively infinite value of every celebration of the Eucharist, and is motivated by the Mass's unique spiritual fruitfulness. If celebrated in a faith-filled and attentive way, Mass is formative in the deepest sense of the word, since it fosters the priest's configuration to Christ and strengthens him in his vocation.

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Sacramentum Caritatis

Pope Benedict's Apostolic Exhortation
may be found at the Vatican website.

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Monday, March 12, 2007

News from Una Voce

Joint Effort with FSSP to Train Priests
to Celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass

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Today's News Today

Bush, Pope to meet in June

Washington, Mar. 12, 2007 ( - US President George W. Bush will meet with Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican early in June.

President Bush will stop in Rome to meet with the Holy Father and with Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi during a June trip to Europe, where he will take part in a G8 summit meeting to be held in Germany on June 5-8.

The American leader will be meeting Pope Benedict for the first time since the Pontiff’s election in April 2005. President Bush attended the funeral for Pope John Paul II, but not the installation Mass of Pope Benedict later that month. Vice President Dick Cheney and Florida Governor Jeb Bush, the President’s brother, led the US delegation to the installation Mass.

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

Tomorrow's News Today

Pope ignores protests to restore Latin mass
March 12, 2007 |

POPE Benedict XVI plans to bring back the celebration of mass in Latin, overriding a rare show of protest from senior cardinals.

With a papal decree said to be imminent, Catholic publishers in Rome are preparing new editions of the Latin missal.

They have sent proofs to Vatican authorities for approval, the Rome newspaper La Repubblica has reported.

Vatican sources said Benedict, who is fluent in Latin, is considering the publication of a papal motu proprio (literally, on his own initiative), which does not require the approval of church bodies.

This would enable Benedict to ignore opposition from several cardinals.

The decree would declare the Latin, or Tridentine, mass an "extraordinary universal rite", and the vernacular mass, with which most Catholics are familiar, an "ordinary universal rite".

The late French archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was excommunicated for opposing changes in the church agreed by the Second Vatican Council in the early 1960s, including the replacement of the Tridentine mass with updated liturgy in local languages.

The Pope's proposal will be cheered by Lefebvre's traditionalist followers.

A special Vatican commission, appointed to examine the demands of traditionalists, met in December to help draft the decree. Today, celebration of the Tridentine rite is limited. Bishops can allow it, but only on the condition that the celebration is deemed a sign of "affection for the ancient tradition" and not a criticism of the reforms.

Benedict wrote in his memoirs, My Life: Memories 1927-1977, published when he was still a cardinal: "I was stunned by the ban on the ancient missal."

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