Saturday, November 24, 2007

Spe Salvi

Pope's second encyclical out next week

ROME (Reuters) - Pope Benedict's second encyclical will be released next week, the Vatican said on Friday.

The encyclical, called "Spe Salvi" (Latin for "Saved by Hope"), is expected to be a largely philosophical and theological work but also touch on themes such as the role of political systems in building a better world.

It will be released on Nov. 30.

An encyclical is the highest form of papal writing and is addressed to all members of the Church.

Benedict's first encyclical, "Deus Caritas Est" (God is Love), was issued in January 2006 and focused on erotic and spiritual love in a personal relationship as well as the role of the Church's network of charity organisations.

The Pope, who was elected in 2005, is believed to be working on a third encyclical on the theme of social justice. That writing is expected to be released next year.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is something to look forward to. I am curius to know if he will touch on the Muslim faith as a political force.

If the pope is working on an encyclical about social justice, I am curious to know if he will draw any of his writings from the work of Paul Hanly Furfey.

10:32 PM  

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